Luckycat APT:攻击行动评估 - By nEINEI Time:2012-03-29 1) 针对日本,印度,西藏活动的军事领域的信息窃取。 2) 攻击目标为韩国的政府分支机构、武装部队、新闻媒体和国家政策研究机构等。 Symptoms When the Trojan is executed, it drops the following file: %Temp%\WINWORD.EXE The dropped file in turn drops the following file: %Temp%\~temp.vbs Next, the Trojan gathers and sends the following information to the remote attacker: All files with their attributes in all drives from C: drive through I: drive Network information Information about the compromised computer Processes running on the compromised computer It stores all of the gathered information in the following folder: %Windir%\NtUninstallKB The Trojan then opens a back door on the compromised computer, allowing the attacker to perform the following actions: Upload and download files Execute .cmd commands 相关样本信息: 2924339C60D4905AFDAD6664F859DE2C 324B98DE1F86ADE0817DA0FF4C5A38BA 40DDB1D8C2F000661AA3031A6FCFA156 4844982A4B4863505FAFAF8B52A4DC97 70EDAAA835D0861BE0F675E7A6EB2CDA 0a927897ab5acff1e6bd45897368253b 最小闭合的攻击样本: 邮件发送DOC文档,安装远控木马,利用cve-2010-333漏洞: b35c50ed4df030aaa5bde205e6ee255e587949e1b42e7896cd8d6040bceb2fc4,SIZE = 277264;  攻击能力计算: K = 2 (正常安全认知理解范围) a = 3 (无交互) s = 1 (钓鱼邮件为主) m = 2 (代码注入,特种木马) p = 1 (攻击1种平台) x = 2 (利用N/1 day漏洞安装远控RAT TOOLS,CVE-2010-2883,2010-3333,CVE-2010-3654,CVE-2011-0611,CVE-2011-2462) c = 277264/1024 = 271 攻击能力 = (a+s+m+p)^(k) * (1+x)^ 2 + c AT = (3 + 1 + 2 + 1) ^ 2 * (1 + 2) ^ 2 + (177722/1024) = 7^2 * (3^2) + 271 = 441 + 271 = 712 ==> 712* 1000/ 1279625(1T攻击力单位) = 0.556T 参考引用: 1. 2. 3.《论高级威胁的本质及攻击能力的量化研究》-